About us

Find events,
venues, artists,
planners and
suppliers in
South Africa

What is eventMEERKAT?

eventMEERKAT is a brand new web based platform to help you find events, venues, artists, planners and suppliers close to you.

Why did we start?

Quite a few people around stuggle to find events happening around them.

Search engines and AI cannot easily track event. As they are uploaded irregularly, on short time frames, on various platform and in various formats. With eventMEERKAT we aim to create a larger core of events in one place.

A mailing service shortens the distance between events and the attendees.

How does it work?

Individuals sign up and receive monthly mails to remind them of events they like in their area.
Individuals can browse the website to find events, venues, artists, planners and suppliers around them.

Companies in the event industry can list their company / band / venue / service for free.
Companies in the event industry can list their event’s text details for free. Event artwork / event posters will be charged per artwork uploaded.

Event artwork will be posted on
the eventMEERKAT website,
eventMEERKAT Instagram,
eventMEERKAT Facebook
& eventMEERKAT Pinterest.

Can anyone join?

Any individual looking for events and suppliers can join.

Any company or entity working in the event industry can join.

Spread the word

Please feel free to give eventMEERKAT a shoutout by pointing people to eventMEERKAT.com

We are also open to local reps that wish to spread the word and earn a commission on every paid for plan landed.

Why is there a free and a paid plan?

The free plans are there to form the greatest collection of event enthusiasts and event suppliers in the country.

The paid for plans are to enable users to add their public events to the site for exposure and marketing.

Why are there regions?

The regions are there to create a bit of cohesion for geographically connected areas.

Will all the towns in the country be listed?

Major event sentra will be targeted from eventMEERKAT’s side.

Other towns are welcome to apply to be listed separately.
If the need is large enough the town could considered to be listed separately.

Sponsorship and advert options?

Regional sponsorship
Town sponsorship
Marketing an event on a local monthly mail
Promoting an entity on the monthly showcase mail to the event industry.

Will we spam you?

You can look forward to one event reminder per month for the town you have subscribed for.
If you want to add another town, you are welcome to do so (eg your December holiday destination).

The event industry will receive a monthly showcase mail in addition to the montly town mail.

As with any other actively managed mailing service you can OPT-IN and OUT as needed.
All personal information will be protected in line with the POPI-Act of South Africa.

What kind of events and event services may not be uploaded?

eventMEERKAT aims to be as clean as possible to benefit the whole family.

No content that is inapproporiate for the ears and eyes for children will be allowed.

If you find any content that you deem to be outside the guidelines for public media in South Africa as stipulted in the South African Broadcast Complaints Comission, please feel free to reach out to us.
